Tuesday, 12 May 2015

1 week to go!!!!

So I have been a little quiet on here lately! Apologies however life has just gotten so busy with packing, organising and work has been insane since the crazy storms we had!!

A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks with the tiling being completed, the painting started and almost complete inside today and the plumbing rough in completed and the electrical rough in started! We are so so close to the end it is unbelievable!

It has been super hard getting photos of the painting as his stuff has been everywhere and we have been going after work which means it gets dark pretty quickly after arriving.

The colour we picked for our wall is Taubman's Stonebridge, it is absolutely stunning on the walls! We are over the moon with our choice and couldn't be happier!

Can't wait to get some more photos to show you all!

Don't you just love our beautiful standard toilets? 

My favourite!!! The beautiful oven and range hood!