Monday, 26 January 2015

Rain rain go away

The bricks have finally been delivered today however if this rain doesn't go away they will stay put for a while!

We had 2 days rain last week which pushed us back a week so hopefully the rain stops soon so we can get going with the bricks!

feels like it's been ages since anything has happened!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Roof installed

07 January 2015 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I drove past my land just assuming it would look the same as it did the previous week however to my delight it didn't!!!! In just the first week of January we had workman on our site installing our roof! We couldn't be happier! 

 8th January 2015 

We are so happy with the way the roof looks! Even better that it was done before we were even expecting!

Frames and stacker door complete!

16th December 2014

I was very slack over the Christmas period and didn't get a chance to update everyone. So here is the belated update. Frames are now complete and look awesome. It truly is amazing to walk around and see the room sizes. I especially LOVE my stacker door!! 


Lounge room & my big stacker door

Looking at my kitchen from the dining area 

And my stacker door again! 

 My alfresco area 

The shorter size of the house 

My gorgeous facade. It looks amazing already